teaching vs punishing

Wolfhound Hug | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness | Dog Training in Manhattan

A different kind of sensibility

When I am out walking my dogs I try very hard to act like a “normal” dog owner and not a trainer. But tonight I experienced something that was deeply…
Zeldi Outside Photo | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness | Dog Training in Manhattan

Puppies: Behavior vs “Obedience”

So, here you are and you have a growing, teething puppy and you are confronted with a mountain of natural but undesirable behaviors. From jumping up and nipping and shredding…
Snow Dog | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness |

The problem with the word “positive”

Whatever “well behaved” means to you, your dog will learn which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. After all, as much as we love them, as close as they…

Don’t hesitate to be protective of your puppy

I like Brenda Aloff a lot. http://brendaaloff.com/ I particularly like that she implements a lot of impulse control exercises in her early puppy training. It is an aspect that is…

A “cue” has a beginning and an end

When you would like a dog to “do” something you provide them with a “cue” such as “sit” or “come” or “down”.  “Cues” are sometimes referred to as “commands” or…