Nikki and Bella were adopted together and are litter mates. I think it is very important to treat siblings as individuals. I work with each dog separately as well as working with them together..
The following pictures show Nikki and Bella outside on a 20ft leash learning how to sit/stay and down/stay with all the distractions of a New York City sidewalk. I try and keep the level of distraction in proportion to how well they know the exercise and make each increment (duration, distance and distraction level) harder all the time but only to the extent that I think they can be successful.
Success=Fun Failure=Frustration
Nikki and Bella are 1 year old on January 14th! Congratulations!
How far they have come!
They are seasoned international travelers, they are avid water dogs (which is quite funny considering their breed), they have a full repertoire of fun behaviors and most impressive for 2 high energy puppies : they have graduated out of their crates when alone.
Congratulations guys!

House training is not an issue at all and has not been for many, many months. Behavior issues (both puppies had a lot of fear when they first were adopted) are destroyed furniture, all this while Janet launched a new and very successful career.
I am so proud of you.